The Health Benefits of Mountain Biking: It’s More Than Just a Workout

The Health Benefits of Mountain Biking: It’s More Than Just a Workout

When I first started mountain biking, it was mostly because my husband was obsessed with it, and I wanted to be the supportive partner. When I ventured off the sidewalk and onto an actual trail, I was pretty sure I’d end up in the ER. For a while, I convinced myself that biking was counterproductive to my fitness goals—after all, what’s healthy about flying downhill at the mercy of rocks, roots, and gravity?

But here’s the kicker: it wasn’t until about 30 rides in that I really started seeing the health benefits—both mental and physical. And the best part? I’ve got the data to back it up. Yep, I’ve been tracking my progress with my trusty Garmin watch from the very beginning, so I can confidently say mountain biking has completely transformed my health.

Mental Health Benefits

Stress Relief

As a business owner in a competitive (and often stressful) industry, I used to live on edge. My stress levels would spike over the smallest things, causing unnecessary tension at home. Even when I thought I was calm, my Garmin would disagree—those stress readings were always high.

Fast forward to today, and my stress levels average below 20 every day. Less moodiness, less irritability, and I don’t snap over surprises like I used to. Mountain biking helps me unplug from the constant demands of life. It’s just me and the trail—nothing else. Out there, the everyday problems seem smaller compared to whatever gnarly rock garden I just managed to clear.

Battling the ‘Blahs’

While I wouldn’t say I’m prone to serious depression, I’ve definitely experienced boredom depression. You know, the monotony of everyday life that eats away at your soul. But since taking up mountain biking, that’s a thing of the past. Now, I have something exciting to look forward to—something that pushes me physically and mentally. No more going through the motions; I’ve got trails to conquer.

Confidence Boost

Let’s be real: there’s nothing quite like walking into a room and thinking to yourself, I bet no one here could clear the step-up on (insert sketchy trail here). Suddenly, you’re that much cooler, right? Okay, maybe not exactly, but the confidence boost is real. Accomplishing things you never thought possible has a way of bleeding into other areas of your life. The more your confidence grows on the bike, the more you’re willing to take risks and try new things off the bike. It’s like a snowball effect—every success leads to another.

Physical Health Benefits

Cardiovascular Health

Let’s talk numbers. Since I started mountain biking, my VO2 max (which measures your cardiovascular fitness) has shot up by 6 points in a single summer. That’s huge! VO2 max is essential because it’s an indicator of how efficiently your body uses oxygen during exercise. Improving it means better endurance, increased energy, and—let’s be honest—bragging rights over your previous self.

Weight Loss

Mountain biking also led to a pretty unexpected side effect: I lost 10 pounds in one summer. And I didn’t even have to do any of that “I’m trying to lose weight” nonsense. The trails did all the work for me. It’s not just the calories burned during the ride, but the afterburn effect (the fancy term is EPOC—Excess Post-exercise Oxygen Consumption) that keeps you burning calories even after the ride is over.

Bone Density and Joints

Despite what some people might think, mountain biking is actually kind to your joints. The low-impact nature of biking makes it easier on your knees compared to running. Plus, it’s great for building bone density. As we age, our bones naturally lose mass, so any weight-bearing activity like mountain biking can help counteract that.

So, yeah—if someone tells you biking is bad for your joints, you can confidently pedal away, knowing your knees are grateful for the exercise.

Relationship Health

Believe it or not, mountain biking has even been good for my relationship. Sharing this sport with my husband has given us something to bond over—whether it’s sharing tips, encouraging each other on tougher rides, or simply celebrating after finishing a grueling trail. Biking together has created a shared passion that strengthens our connection. Plus, let’s face it, it’s pretty cool when you can both tackle a challenging trail and high-five at the bottom like you just won a race.

Social Health: Finding Your People

One of the unexpected benefits of mountain biking is the new friendships we’ve formed. We’ve met so many new people through biking, and now we have an entirely new group of friends who share the same passion. It’s refreshing to hang out with people who do more than just sit around and drink—they want to get out and do things. Whether it’s tackling new trails or just planning the next biking trip, mountain biking has built a sense of community and connection for us that goes beyond the trail.

Sleep Benefits: Snoozing Like a Pro

Before mountain biking, my sleep wasn’t always the greatest—restless nights, tossing and turning, all the usual suspects. But now? My Garmin watch consistently gives me a sleep score of 75 or higher. I’m sleeping deeper and waking up feeling more refreshed, which is definitely thanks to the physical exertion and mental relaxation that comes with mountain biking. It’s not just about tiring yourself out; it’s about how biking helps regulate your overall stress levels and gives your mind the peace it needs to rest.

Longevity: A Life-Long Investment

Mountain biking isn’t just about immediate gains—it’s an investment in long-term health. Regular exercise like this has been shown to reduce the risk of chronic diseases like heart disease, diabetes, and even certain cancers. Plus, the balance, coordination, and strength you build on the bike can help protect you from injuries later in life. So really, you’re setting yourself up for a healthier, longer life and having fun while doing it.

You Can’t Put a Price on Health

There’s been times where i’ve looked at how much we’ve spent on mountain biking and second guessed our life choices. The reality is though, none of us are getting younger and one day we are going to value our time and health far more than any dollar amount. Mountain biking has a high potential of giving you back time, mobility, independence, and agency – but all of the short term benefits today. I have a feeling that future me will be pretty thankful for investing my time and money into something that can give me so much back later on in life. 


Jayde Syrnyk

Meet Jayde Syrnyk.  Professional marketer by day – adventure enthusiast by night. After growing up in the flat lands of Saskatchewan in 2021 Jayde, her husband and two dogs decided to move near the mountains to a town they had never been to before. Since moving they have fallen in love with mountain sports and have grown a passion for sharing their passions online encouraging others to step outside their comfort zone and be part of the action.